
Ref.: AF002



Ref.: AF002


An ideal Food supplement for beautiful and health body. Get visible results after 2 weeks! Let your body enjoyed this mix of Spirulina, Moringa, Iron, Zinc, Vitamin A and B12.

  • Promotes the beauty and strength of hair and reduces hair loss.
  • Maintains the elasticity and improves the appearance of the skin.
  • Strengthens the nails.


APHRODITE food supplement is intended to add the missing elements of nutrition for the perfect body balance. The exact ratio of vitamins and minerals brings not only beautiful and healthy skin, hair and nails, but also a higher quality of life and joy in the results achieved. Get more self-confidence and well-being, better physical performance, and more zest for life. These are just some of the benefits of well-balanced vitamins and minerals in the body.


Take 2 capsules a day, with a sufficient amount of water, with a meal. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Do not exceed the expressly recommended daily dose. Keep out of the reach of little kids. Store in a cool, dry place protected from sunlight.


60 capsules correspond to one month cure.


Spirulina, Moringa, Iron, Zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12

Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients Daily dose (2 capsules) % RDA*
Spirulina ecological 433 mg -
Moringa ecological 433 mg -
Iron 5 mg 36
Zinc 2 mg 20
Vitamin A 954 µg RE 119
Biotin 100 µg 200
Vitamin B12 5 µg 200

RDA* - recommended dietary allowance.

SPIRULINA (Arthrospira platensis)

It is a microscopic unicellular alga with a characteristic spiral shape reminiscent of a corkscrew. It is distributed in Lake Tecuitlatl in Mexico and Lake Chad in Africa. The whole seaweed is used. Its main components are proteins (60-70%) with a high content of essential amino acids (tryptophan), vitamins, carotenoids, sterols, xanthophyll, essential fatty acids: gamma-linolenic, mucilage, trace elements and mineral salts. The wide variety of minerals discovered in spirulina, such as iron and chromium, are important for the maintenance of skin, nails and hair. The healthy fats and fatty acids found in spirulina play a significant role in preserving hair shine and reducing skin inflammation. Spirulina has the following actions:

  • Satiating: the mucilage and the high protein content, produce a sensation of digestive fullness, thereby reducing the appetite.
  • Demulcent, anti-inflammatory, mucous protective and mechanical laxative effect due to its mucilage content. It is used as a supplement in deficiency or restrictive diets (malnutrition, obesity), situations of overexertion (athletes). Gastritis, constipation, and gastroduodenal ulcers.

Spirulina Precautions

Spirulina is not recommended for people with high uric acid. The convenience of its administration should also be considered in each case due to its sodium chloride content. It lacks toxicity at normal doses but given the danger of accumulating heavy metals and that they are accompanied by other algae with potential toxicity, it is advisable to buy only products that have passed due quality control.

MORINGA (Moringa oleifera Lam)

The tree Moringa oleifera is native to northern India, Ethiopia, the Philippines and Sudan. Also called the "miracle tree" most of its parts, including leaves, bark, fruit and roots, are used for food. Moringa oleifera is traditionally used to stimulate the body's defenses, control weight, improve the appearance of the skin, relieve headaches and prevent hair loss. Moringa is also popular as a natural remedy to lower blood sugar levels, being especially beneficial for people with diabetes. One of the main attractions of moringa is its outstanding antioxidant power, that is, it prevents the appearance of free radicals and prevents premature aging.


The human body holds about 4 g of iron. Most of them (about 2.5 g) are found in the hemoglobin of red blood cells. Hemoglobin is the molecule that carries out the function of transporting the oxygen collected in the pulmonary alveoli to the cells of all the organs and systems of the human body. Daily an adult person loses around 1 mg of iron through the desquamation of the different epithelia, mucous membranes and urine. This is precisely the amount absorbed from dietary iron. To absorb 1 mg of iron daily (an adult man) or 1.5 mg (a woman of childbearing age), between 10 and 18 mg should be ingested daily.

Vitamin C and calcium promote the absorption of iron. Iron is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, so it prevents anemia, it also helps growth, prevents fatigue and restores good color to the skin. The appearance of iron deficiency anemia is the consequence of a low and maintained iron consumption in relation to the needs. An insufficient diet, a monotonous diet or based on fast and messy foods, can favor a habitual low consumption of iron.


Zinc is an essential mineral for the regeneration of cellular tissues and for the synthesis of DNA, so its adequate contribution is important to guarantee growth. In addition, zinc is an active part of some of the enzymes involved in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. This mineral is also involved in the production of hormones such as testosterone, contributes to keeping the health of the skin, hair and nails and, above all, its adequate contribution is key to strengthening the defenses of the immune system.


It is a fat-soluble vitamin discovered by Strepp in 1909. Its main benefits for our body are the following:

  • Antioxidant action, that is, it prevents skin aging, improving its elasticity. Speeds up the tanning process.
  • Counteracts night blindness and visual weakness.
  • Helps eliminate age spots on the skin.
  • Promotes bone development, intervenes in the formation of bones and teeth.
  • Helps release energy from nutrients and stimulates hormone production. Vitamin A acts as an anti-infective agent that covers and protects all internal mucous membranes, such as the throat and respiratory tract.

It is necessary to keep the structural and functional integrity of epithelial tissue and the immune system, cell differentiation and proliferation, bone growth, testicular and ovarian function and embryonic growth.


It is essential for the synthesis and breakdown of fats and the breakdown of certain amino acids. Biotin is involved in the metabolism of fats and amino acids.

It plays a significant role in the citric acid or Krebs cycle, which is a process in which biochemical energy is generated during aerobic breathing.

It also participates in the maintenance of blood glucose. Low levels of biotin in the blood can cause thinning of the hair, a rash around the eyes, nose and mouth. Other symptoms include depression, apathy, hallucinations, and tingling in the arms and legs.

This vitamin has been reported of value in treating brittle nails, acne, seborrheic dermatitis, brittle hair and alopecia.


t has a complex chemical formula, and it is the only vitamin that holds a metal and cobalt in its molecule. For this reason, Vitamin B 12 it is also called "cobalamin". Its function is to form and regenerate red blood cells, for therefore it prevents anemia and increases energy. Maintains a healthy nervous system, relieves irritability. Improves concentration and memory. Keep in mind that vitamin B 12 nourishes all cells in the body, including hair follicles. Therefore, have some adequate levels guarantee a good growth of the hair, not only in quantity, but also in quality; hair grows healthier and stronger. When it comes to hair, the lack of this nutrient translates into premature hair loss and/or slow hair growth. In the same way, the strength of this will not be, at all, like that of a healthy lock and full of nutrients.

Rating (53x)
Reviews (7x)
Andrew L.
, Birmingham, EN
Even a man needs to look good and besides lotions, fluids and creams I wanted something what helps from inside. I found it, thanx a lot!
Lucia S.
, London, EN
Aphrodite is a part of my new me, I love my skin, my hair, my feminity. Just try and you will never regret a pound.
Jane C.
, London, EN
We bought it with my friends and we are all very satisfied! Men appreciate :)
Maria F.
, Coventry, EN
Those 2 years stuck at home my skin was greyish and I just wanted to be me again! Aunoia, well done!
Janice T.
, Grantham, EN
I excersise every day and Aunoia products help me to stay in, I feel unbeatable!
Thomas U.
, Hereford, EN
I didn't know what to buy as Christmas presents for my girls and I see now it was a good choice.
Daria M.
, Shrewsbury, EN
Stylish food supplement, recommend